MCAs Tips and Tricks

*** When in doubt, give the student a new Chromebook:)

Logging Into TestNav on the Chromebook (1).pdf

💻 Have students FULLY shut down their computer. They need to hold the power button until they get the ability to power it off. This allows any updates to occur.

*** Just doing this has solved a TON of problems and glitches.

💻 If they log in and get a screen that either does not allow them to choose Massachusetts or bring them right to the test for another state...

      1. Have them click on the button that looks like a person in the top right hand corner.

      2. Click on "Choose a Different User". This should bring them to the menu that allows them to pick their state.

💻 If none of this works at the time of testing, the student will need to be given a new Chromebook. Speak to your test administrator about how those will be available.

💻 If the student complains about the incorrect letters being displayed when typing, restart the chromebook, click on the wifi icon bottom right and change the keyboard from CO to US.

If you have any tricks and tips, feel free to email me at and I can add them to this page!