About the Coaches
Boys Coordinator: OC Pierce
My name is O. C. Pierce, I am starting my 24 year at Lorena Middle School. I serve the school as a teacher/coach, LMS Boys Athletic Coordinator and Physical Education Teacher.
Contact Information:
Conference Period: 4A(Mon/Wed) 2:10-3:40P.M.
1B (Tue/Thr) 8:00-9:30A.M.
Girls Coordinator: Ashley Deleon
Aaron Newell
My name is Aaron Newell and I teach 7th & 8th Grade Social Studies - Texas History & US History. I also coach football, boys basketball, and boys track at the middle school level. I am in my 13th year of teaching and my 2nd year at Lorena. I love getting to work with our middle school students and athletes, helping them to accomplish both their academic and athletic goals.
Contact Information:
Conference Period:
2B (9:35-11:05 Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Remind Code:
@newellTXH (Texas History 7) / @lmsco2028 (All 8th Grade Classes)
Monica Mitchell
I'm Monica Mitchell and I teach Success Seminar, Girls PE and I'm one of the girls athletic coaches. My family are all part of the Lorena ISD community. I have 3 children in the district and my husband is also part of LISD. I enjoy being part this community!!
Contact Information:
Conference Period: Tuesdays/Thursday 2:10-3:40
Remind Code:lmsco2029, lmsgirlspe
Ken Thompson
I am Coach Thompson, I teach 6th grade Health and I am fired up about it.
I also teach P.E. and P.E. for athletics.
I coach Boys/Girls High School Cross Country, MS Basketball and the Head High School Golf Coach.
I have been married to the best lady on earth for the past 31 years.
I have two daughters who are fantastic and Lorena Graduates.
I love to exercise and eat healthy stuff.
I love being around kids!!
Contact Information:
Conference Period:Mondays and Wednesdays 9:35-11:05
Remind Code:6th Grade Remind- LMSCO2030
Alyssa Kent
My name is Alyssa Kent and I graduated from Texas A&M University. I will be teaching 7th grade ELA. I also coach volleyball, basketball and track at the middle school. I am going into my 4th year of teaching and coaching and my 1st year at Lorena Middle School. My husband, Matthew Kent, plays professional baseball and we have an 18 month old little boy named Maverick.
Contact Information:
Conference Period:
Monday/Wednesdays 9:35-11:05
Remind Code:7th Grade remind code is @lmsco2029
Larry Havard
Athletics Info

PE Year at a Glance
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