Student Expectations

Placer Elementary School's reputation is reflected by students’ behavior in the classroom, on the playground, in assemblies, at athletic events, and on field trips. Placer's school expectations are presented as The Miner Way!

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Ready!

Behavior Expectations

The Miner Way: Respectful, Responsible & Ready to Learn

Through our Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) Program, we guide students in making connections between positive learner behaviors (hard work, effort, perseverance, collaboration, respect, kindness, resilience...) and understanding they have control over growing their brains through the actions they take. We believe in developing the whole child, and actively recognize students modeling positive,growth-minded learner traits throughout the school year. Please see below for our Miner Way matrix.

Placer Location Expectations Matrix