classroom lessons

Hypothesis practice September 16th

hypothesis practice sept 16th

This lesson was done in class on Sept 16th. Please watch the video and do the activity above if you were absent.

skills review.pdf

The following three videos are a review of the practice. Watch the videos to get an explanation of each question. Each video is a part of the whole and is labeled as such. The pdf version of the answer key is to the far left.

This is questions 1- 10

Questions 11 - 22

questions 22- 30

Lesson Sept 20th 2019

Why do we need controls in our experiments?

September 25th

Measuring Length

September 27

volume of a regular object

more volume practice

Explanation of the first exam

October 2, 2019

Variable practice

October 2, 2019

Due on October 11th

Back page of the variable worksheet

October 7th

Science skills yellow notes page 8

reading the scales on the graduated cylinder