UF Terms


This is the name of the "kick-off’ when one team throws the disc to the other team to start a point. If you are on the throwing team, each person will identify the person on the other team that you will guard. You will guard (and be guarded by) this person the entire point. 


This is when you throw the Frisbee horizontally (often against the force). Imagine being on the right hand side of the field and having everyone all bunched up there. By swinging the disc to the left hand side, the field is much more open.


This is the term for a very long throw.


What you are doing on offense if you are just standing around in the wrong place or running to the wrong place putting you and your defender in the middle of the action in a bad way. “You are clogging the area, clear out.”


This is what you do on offense to get open (e.g. cut to the open side of the field, cut in toward the person with the Frisbee, cut long (go run long away from the person with the Frisbee)


If you have the disc and are trying to throw it within the 10 seconds you have, but are having difficulty finding someone open, you can dump the Frisbee or throw the Frisbee to your dump. 


This is the side of the field that the defense wants to ‘force’ the offense to throw to. Defensively you should tend to force attackers to their weaker forehand to be more effective. 


What you need to do if you are clogging up the field and making it hard for the thrower to throw to someone. You can clear by running away from the disc or running to the opposite (horizontally) side of the field (the dead side). You clear when you have not been able to get open after making a cut. By clearing, you not only get out of the way for another of our players to get open, but you also take your defender away as well. Sometimes, just taking a defender away from the action is as good as you yourself getting open