


Fouls and Penalties

Fouls and misconduct are penalized with direct free kicks, indirect free kicks and penalty kicks.

Direct Kick 

A direct kick is awarded when a major foul occurs. The fouled player shoots at the goal from the place where the foul occurred and defensive players must be 10 yards  away.  

Major fouls include: handling the ball, kicking-striking-tripping-holding-grasping-pushing-charging (any non-sporting behavior) with an opponent intentionally.

Indirect Kick 

An indirect kick is awarded for a minor foul.  The fouled player passes to a teammate before a shot on goal may be taken.  

Minor fouls include dangerous play, obstruction, the goaltender taking more than 4 steps with the ball in their hands, or offsides.


A player is in an offside position when they are nearer the opponent’s goal line than the ball is at the moment the ball is played unless, the player is in their own ½ of the pitch two opponents are even closer to their own goal line.

1 defensive player and the goalkeeper must be closest to their goal line than any attacker to stay on sides. 

Penalty Kick 

A penalty kick occurs when the defensive team commits a major foul in the penalty area.  The offensive team member takes a shot on goal from the penalty spot and only the goaltender is allowed to defend the goal.