
Cold and flu season is upon us and the schools are already seeing an increase in many contagious illnesses. We would like to take this opportunity to remind families of some important steps that can be taken to limit the spread of illness within our schools. As always, our staff will work with the students to limit the spread of germs within the school by encouraging the following:

Students exhibiting any signs of illness will be referred to the health office for evaluation. 

We additionally ask families to help us limit the spread of illness by adhering to the following guidelines:

Children with one (or more) of the following symptoms are highly encouraged to stay home until  symptom-free for 24 hours:

***Students with fevers (100 degrees or higher) cannot return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication to reduce fever.***

As a precaution, please consider keeping your child home for:

If your child exhibits Covid symptoms, please consider testing the child.  If the student tests positive, please keep them at home, you may reach out to your school nurse to determine isolation protocol.  

Symptoms of Covid include:

Thank you for partnering with us to create the healthiest possible environment for our students. Please reach out to your School Nurse with any questions or concerns.                                          

Reviewed and Revised 8/22/23 with Longmeadow Public Schools Physician