Health Screenings

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) requires all schools to perform mandated health screenings. The purpose of these screenings is to detect possible early signs of medical concerns and refer for further evaluation as needed. These screenings will take place in the privacy of the Health Office. Parents will be notified as screening dates approach.


*All Parents and Guardians have the right to opt their child out of any of the following screenings by submitting a written request and current documentation of the screening completed by your child’s physician prior to the screening start date. *


Postural (Grades 6, 7, and 8 students) A current physical submitted with documentation of a scoliosis screen will satisfy this screening. 


Body Mass Index (BMI) (Grade 7 students) A current physical submitted with documentation of height and weight will satisfy this screening. 


Vision and Hearing (Grade 7 students) A current physical submitted with documentation of vision and hearing test results will satisfy this screening. 


SBIRT (Grades 7 students) Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment is a public health approach to the delivery of early intervention and treatment for adolescents at risk for developing substance use disorders.  As with any school health screening, you can opt your child out of this process. Students themselves may also choose not to take part in this screening.