Start, Assess, Scale

Getting Started with a VIP Initiative - Start, Assess, Scale


Form a Leadership Team

The Lockhart VIP program began with key people in the technology department & the curriculum and instruction department. As the district updated the technology infrastructure, the team knew there would be a big impact on teachers and students. Mr. Galvan, then technology director, and then Assistant Superintendent Mark Estrada, met to decide how much money could be spent per year on classroom technology equipment. For the first year, a quarter million dollars was spent.

The LISD VIP team consists of

    • superintendent
    • assistant superintendent of operations and technology
    • assistant superintendent of curriculum
    • curriculum and instruction directors
    • 4 technology instructional mentors

Conduct a Needs Assessment

The technology instructional mentors sent a survey to the teachers, staff, and administrators to determine campus and classroom needs in terms of devices, technology tools, and potential future learning needs. The leadership team wanted teachers to have access to the most current, innovative technology resources.

From teacher feedback, it was determined that teachers wanted to integrate more technology into the classrooms and to have more devices available to students. Out of 228 teachers responding to the survey, 125 teachers provided their insight in the ideal classroom of the future. The survey also indicated that teachers wanted students to use equipment within the classroom instead of using computer labs or using devices in other locations of the building such as the library.

Here is the link to the Lockhart ISD Technology Survey 2016-2017.

The some of the results from the needs assessment are depicted in the graphs.

Form the VIP Teacher Team

The leadership team determined that 20-25 teachers would be included in Phase 1 of the initiative. The plan was to have teachers apply for the program, and only teachers who wanted technology and were willing, ready, and able to efficiently use it and be held accountable for the use of the technology would be accepted. For the first year, time was a limiting factor. There was not enough time in the school year to go through the application process, so teachers were hand picked by our administrators and instructional technology team. Those teachers were asked to join our new Visionary Instruction Plan (VIP) team.

VIP T-shirt

more than just great BBQ


Formulate Mission or Vision

As stated by our superintendent Mark Estrada ¨the Visionary Instruction Plan (VIP) has helped transition Lockhart ISD in our instructional practices to a more personalized learning approach versus the traditional old school model of teaching.¨ The VIP perception was thought out by administration yet crafted by our teachers. He further stated ¨once the program was teacher created, we wanted to do something to shift the district towards redesigning the next generation classroom for LISD and what that could look like and what it should look like.¨ With all of this in mind the LISD VIP mission was written by the leadership and teacher team.

#LISDVIP tweet went live, January 2017

Charge the Team with the Goal

The LISD VIP team was charged with gathering data and compiling a proposal for the classroom of the future. The team would pilot the proposals in the 2017-2018 school year. The teachers brainstormed areas of interest and formed teams to collect data and submit a proposal. Eight groups were formed and each group included a mixture of elementary and secondary teachers, special education representatives, librarians and administrators.

Gather Information

Site Visits

To see what other districts were doing, the VIP leadership team visited Stephen F. Austin High School in Houston, TX, in January 2017. Teachers and students were observed using blended learning and flexible learning paths in action.

The VIP leadership team also visited Round Rock ISD and met with their instructional technology team. The team learned all about Round Rock's Next Generation classroom plan and visited several campuses and again were able to see blended learning and flexible learning paths in action.

Both the Houston and Round Rock schools were part of the program called Raising Blended Learners which was a Raise Your Hand Texas initiative.

Round Rock Site Visit

Books, Journals, Websites

Each teacher collected data for the proposal from a variety of places. Many talked or emailed teachers in other districts and began following educators on Twitter. During planning times, it became evident that there were themes appearing from each group.

Teachers gathered information on creating a new paradigm, future ready schools, leveraging technology, personalized learning, student agency, future ready libraries and blended learning. Team members also began studying the SAMR model and collecting ideas for future lesson activities.


A list of resources used for the initial VIP proposals is at Lockhart ISD VIP Proposal Resources.

Texas Computer Educator Association (TCEA) Conference

In February 2017, the initial group of educators know as VIP Cohort 1, attended TCEA in Austin to attend classes on flexible learning paths and future ready classrooms to help to continue gathering data. The teachers then met in groups during Spring 2017 to develop individual plans for what their ideal classroom of the future would look like and what technology they needed to make their plans a reality.

For the conference, the teachers were asked to choose sessions that were related to the proposal themes. The VIP leadership team wanted to establish a common understanding of the vision for teachers and students rather than something specific to content area.

This was the first time Lockhart ISD sent such a large contingent to this conference. Teachers began implementing new skills and strategies immediately in the classroom. Teachers' enthusiasm was also felt throughout the district as they began showing others what they learned.

VIP Cohort 1

TCEA Conference 2017

The Proposal

The eight groups built a proposal for their ideal classroom and submitted it in March of 2017. The group wrote a short description of their vision and described how teaching and learning would look like for the teacher and student. The favorite part of the proposal was the list of software, hardware and training that would make the new classroom happen. Teachers were given carte blanche in their requests.

After the proposals were submitted, a common thread ran through all the information submitted by the teachers, administrators, and special area teachers. The VIP Tenets were the result.

Here is a link to the document that was used by each team as they designed the Lockhart VIP Pilot Proposal.

VIP Proposal Form

Procure the Infrastructure and Equipment

Chromebooks in Boxes

Another structure or design in the VIP plan was the infrastructure and equipment. Mr. Estrada stated, ¨we knew that we were so far behind on infrastructure/technology and that we had to improve it district wide but what we didn't want to do was just start buying stuff and then it not be used.¨

The main concern was buying a whole bunch of equipment and then deploy it in the district without figuring out how to use it. To resolve this issue the leadership VIP used the group proposals to compile a list of equipment. Each group received a customized VIP package of equipment. Since the initial purchase, the VIP package has been streamlined.

Deploy the Vision

To build enthusiasm for the Visionary Instruction Planning program, a kick off event occurred. At this point, teachers did not know what type of package they were receiving. The first cohort was setting the standard for the rest of the district. A game show setting was the theme of the celebration to officially recognize the kick-off for Cohort 1 into VIP. The vision was deployed by the leadership team saying ¨you get a ticket, you get a ticket, all of Cohort 1 now holds the winning entry ticket into our new initiative!" The enthusiasm heightened when teachers realized their VIP proposal was accepted in full. This included their software and technology requests as well.

Train the Teachers

The goal of our training was to develop a district and school culture of innovation, risk-taking, and high levels of support while changing how instruction in the classroom was developed.

During the summer, professional development days provided teachers with a day to dive into the SAMR model, explore the VIP tenets, and learn new tools and techniques. Team members were encouraged to "fail forward," trying new things, assessing how it worked, making changes, and trying it again. Teachers were also given time to begin planning lessons for the next school year, with support from instructional technology and other teachers.

When the school year started, VIP teachers received professional development catered to their knowledge base and future learning goals pertaining to the VIP tools they received. The TIMs provided both individual and group training throughout the year.

In February, all VIP teachers again attended the Texas Computer Educators (TCEA) Conference in Austin. They were required to attend sessions on blended learning and flexible learning paths plus sessions of their choice. At the conclusion of the conference, all VIP teachers met and shared what they learned with each other. Our VIP librarians also attended the Texas Library Conference (TLA), where they received training specific to librarians.

See the Professional Development page for a full list of training opportunities provided to teachers.

Roll-out Equipment & Software

As soon as the proposals were submitted, the district began acquiring the software and technology requested by the teachers. Funding sources were not readily available until summer so most of the VIP package did not arrive in teachers hands until October. District purchasing procedures have since changed so that equipment is available at start of the school year. The district has also purchased a technology van to transport equipment from campus to campus.

Software licenses were activated for the new school year.

Making the deliveries happen! Van was slow to arrive so off we went!


Throughout the school year the VIP leadership team conducts classroom walk-through visits. The purpose of the visits is to determine the use of the VIP tenets and see how technology is being leveraged in the classroom. The form is linked here at Lockhart VIP Walk-through Form.

Teachers are encouraged to continually reflect and monitor the learning environment in their classrooms, making changes, and refining pedagogy as needed. The VIP leadership team has compiled a list of additional training and certifications the teachers have completed since beginning the program. To view a list of teacher accomplishments review the Celebrations LISD VIP document.

Surveys were also conducted to determine the amount of time students were using technology, the purposes students were utilizing technology and the most beneficial tool teachers were given their VIP package. Teachers are gave feedback on instructional challenges and their need for specific professional development.

One of our district initiatives is Strive for 1.5 growth in reading and math. At the district level, data is analyzed from from district checkpoints/benchmarks, online reading programs, and online math programs. All teachers track student data monthly and meet with an instructional coaches and a response to intervention lead teacher to analyze student growth. Students also track their own growth on paper or electronically.

The data shows a trend in the VIP cohorts of higher growth as shown in the graphs below.


Application Process

The second year teachers completed an online application to be accepted into the initiative. Application questions were all related to the VIP Tenets and how teachers would integrate them in their classrooms.

The buzz around the district was humming loudly in regards to what it would take to get accepted in the Visionary Instruction Plan. The excitement was palpable as teachers raced to complete their application. The desire to receive the coveted VIP door sign and decals indicating acceptance into the program was at a high!

See the Application Process here.

VIP Award Day

On Visionary Instruction Planning Award day, the leadership team visits each campus and presents the new members with a Welcome Bag. The welcome bag includes VIP door signs, VIP Tenets sign, laptop and iPad stickers, and a welcome letter. The letter has information with QR codes linking to welcome videos posted from other VIP members. Important dates are stated in the letter such as the meet and greet event, the professional development day for the new cohort, and the Edcamp day being hosted in district. Members are also sent a calendar invite to these dates.

Everyone in the district knows it is Award Day because of the loud exclamations of joy and the tweets on Twitter heard from the classrooms.

Each new cohort member is included in a video that showcases the award presentation. The Executive Director of Communications and Community Services sends out district and community news announcing who has been selected to be added to the VIP team. The video is included in the news communication.

Publicity is crucial, the district wants the team to understand the importance of their VIP mission.

Welcome LISD VIP Cohort 2!.mp4
Welcome LISD VIP Cohort 3.mp4

New VIP Member Initiation

A Meet & Greet celebration between all the cohorts is an event the district hosts to promote a feeling of camaraderie among the team.

A theme is decided on, invitations sent out, music selected to match the theme, food ordered from our high school student culinary department, decorations made, and a slideshow created hallmarking entry into the Visionary Instruction Plan team.

A team building activity is done at the conclusion of the celebration so that everyone leaves feeling validated, excited, and enthusiastic.

The VIP Leadership team promotes teacher enthusiasm and student engagement as an integral part of the initiative while at the Meet & Greet, thanks the team for their willingness to spearhead the program, and concludes the event by asking teachers to reflect ¨what will my legacy be as VIP¨?

Training - Prof Dev & Cohort Leaders

The district´s professional development offered to the Visionary Instruction Plan team has evolved over time.

Please visit the Professional Development page for details.

After receiving training the district´s VIP Cohorts scale out learning and this is a big part of the VIP success story. At faculty meetings, PLC´s, and at Lead & Learns our teachers share their knowledge to help other educators learn to innovate their instruction.

Future Ready Librarians Collaborating