School Counselors

Dr. Koreem Bell

Department Chair

Ph: 610-658-3950 ext. 3963



Who is my counselor?

Current high school students in grades 9-11 can locate counselors here.

When will I meet with my counselor?

Students will receive an email invite within the next few weeks for a 15-minute time slot starting in early February through early March. Students should save the meeting invite in their calendar.

Should parents come to the Counselor meeting?

No. The meetings are just for students.  Parents can contact their student’s counselor via email to set up a phone call to discuss the classes you are selecting if necessary.

How do I put my courses into Power School?

Here is a link to a video that provides instruction: Course Recommendation Video

How many courses will fit into my schedule?

Schedules should have between 5.25 and 8.00 credits.  It is recommended to take 6 classes plus a PE class each semester for a total of 6.5 credits each year.  You may schedule up to 8.0 credits but you should be careful about over-scheduling yourself with a rigorous curriculum. Taking 8 credits is extremely rare and your school counselor should be involved if you are pursuing a schedule of 8 credits.

What if I am unsure of what course level to choose?

Your teacher will make a strong recommendation.  Your counselor can also help you decide as can your parents and guardians. See the Program Planning Guide for more information.

Is there a limit to the number of AP classes that I can take?

No, however, you should not take more than 4 or 5 at the most and still have time for extracurricular activities.  Strike a balance and you will feel better because you will have more time for activities and leadership opportunities outside of class time.

How many honors courses can or should I take?

Your teachers will make course level recommendations and if they recommend all honors, you may be able to handle this course load but you should consult with your parents/guardians and your school counselor when you meet to ensure this is the best plan.  There really is no “correct” number or limit – and it should be the best match for you.

How much work should I expect in an AP or IB level class?

This information is likely found in the department FAQ’s by the department chairs, however an AP and IB level class is equivalent to a college level course with a college text book.  College level reading, writing and independent work is often required.

Can I still go to college if I enroll at Central Montco Technical High School?

YES!  Please visit the Central Montco website for full information but with the wide range of programs available, many students successfully go on to a 2-year or 4-year college while also gaining a career and technical skill area and gaining certification.

How many credits do I need to graduate from Harriton?

21.5 credits - See graduation requirements on page 6 of the Program Planning Guide.

Do I need to take a World Language course to graduate from Harriton?

No, but it is recommended if at all possible to take a minimum of two or three consecutive years of a world language.

Is there a community service requirement to graduate from Harriton?


Do I have to take Physical Education if I play a sport?

Yes – you must carry a Physical Education class each semester regardless of playing a varsity sport.

How many electives do I have to take each year?

It depends but typically you can take at least 1 full year or 2 semester electives and sometimes there is room to add another.  But try to leave room for a free period or break in your day.

How many AP courses does it take to get into college?

You can get into a four-year college or university without any AP classes.  So long as you are taking CP, Honors, AP, or IB classes, you are taking classes that prepare you for college.

What if I take Biology over the summer in summer school?

There is no guarantee that Biology will be offered in summer school.  Please schedule Biology and then make the change later with your counselor once you know for sure.

Is Health available in summer school?

Yes – typically it is.  Registration is held in the spring and it will fill up.  Please listen to announcements in March or April about registering for summer school  and/or contact your school counselor about when registration will occur.

When will I receive my schedule for next year?

Schedules most likely won’t be available until August.  The spring and summer are used to create the master schedule and assign teachers to classes before any student schedule can be generated.  We get them to you as soon as possible.