Running Form

Good Form Running Basics:
- Stand Tall: Visualize a straight line running from your ears, through your hips, through your feet.
Point Toes Forward: Use the surface area of your foot to point in the proper direction
Posture Reset: Occasionally "reset" your posture by reaching to the sky
Eyes on the Prize: Run with your head up and keep your eyes ~50 yards forward
Arms: Relaxed at 90 degrees at elbows. Swing from shoulders with momentum going forward
Hands: Closed, but not in a fist. Hard enough to hold an egg, but gentle enough to not break it.

- Run/March in Place: Try this before running to reinforce the midfoot striking pattern
Heel-striking/Over-striding: These mistakes cause a "braking" motion that slows momentum (see #3 for more)
Landing on Forefoot: This can cause overuse and strain on the calf, soleus muscle, and Achilles

- Goal of 180: Aim for 180 steps/minute (even when running easy days, warmups, cooldowns, and recovery runs)
- Find your Starting Point: Count your foot strikes for :30 and double the number to get your current cadence
Baby Steps: Gradually work your way up to 180. If you start at 160, try 164, then 168, then 172, etc.
Run Light: Aim for quiet/light landings to increase stride efficiency and limit impact. Avoid pounding.

4) LEAN:
- Lean from Ankles: "Fall forward" without bending at the waist (see #1)
Flex at Ankles: Helps avoid excessive calf muscle strain from toeing off
Use Gravity: "Falling forward" uses momentum from gravity to your advantage and maximizes efficiency

Tips for Improvement:
- Practice One New Skill at a Time: Try cadence first. Don’t try to put it all together at one time if it's new!
Run Barefoot: Try this inside or on grass for ~20 meters before you run. It will help shore up proper mechanics.
March in Place: This will reinforce the proper midfoot strike (see #2).
Listen: Reduce the sound of contact with the ground. Quiet running is usually efficient running.
Video: Take a video of yourself (on a treadmill?) or view a video during a race, self-assess, and adjust accordingly!
Build Strength: Hips/core/legs/feet/etc. will help keep your whole body healthy!