Nutrition for Endurance Athletes

General Nutrition Tips for Optimal Performance
"Eat to to eat"

Food that is not processed (in a box/bag)
- Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, natural protein…nutrients like fiber, iron, vitamins
- Trail mix, dried fruit, nuts, granola - great snacking fuels
- Fresh is best…then frozen…then canned

- Generally 3 meals per day and 2 snacks
- Feeling sluggish (“low energy”) or not recovering from harder workouts = likely need more calories
- Being fully fueled helps body recover, build muscle, and prepare for demanding sessions
- Easy ways to add calories:
- Add condiments/toppings (cream cheese, peanut butter, guacamole, jam, etc)
- 2%, whole milk, smoothies, milkshakes → easier to consume more calories as liquids

When you eat is almost as important as what you eat
- Start your day fueled (breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!)
- Proteins at the right time maximize muscle gain and recovery (post-run, before bed)
- There is a place for almost anything in moderation (sweets, ice cream, chips, etc.)

Pre-Workout/Race Snack (Suggested Practices)
- Simple carbohydrates are best
Examples: dry cereal, pretzels, bagel, banana, sport drink, animal crackers, graham crackers, banana, small granola bar, juice
- If nerves make it hard to eat…try a sports drink (Gatorade, PowerAde) and saltines
- Limit high fat and dairy (takes longer to digest…but great for recovery!)
Do not try new foods on competition days.

Recovery Snack (Suggested Practices):
- Post-race/post-workout recovery should ideally have ~3:1 to 4:1 carbohydrates to protein ratio
Examples: PB&J, chocolate milk, string cheese + fruit, bagel + cream cheese or peanut butter, Greek yogurt, Clif Bar
- Ideally within 30 minutes of a run or race (pack it with you) → helps repair/refuel muscles quickly

Sample Meal and Snack Timing:
- 3-4 hours before race/workout: balanced meal (carbohydrate, lean protein, small amount of fat) + water
- 1-2 hours before a race/workout: snack (carbohydrate food that is familiar to you) +8-16 oz. water
- 30-45 minutes before a race/workout: "top-off-the-tank” snack (~100 calories carbohydrate and protein) + water (water helps with digestion and, of course, hydration before a workout or race
Examples: GU/Honey Stinger gel/chew, fruit snacks, raisins, Sport Beans
- 2-4 hours after a race/workout: balanced meal + water