What is AO Scan 

Wellness Scan

I am happy to bring to Breaking Chains LLC, the AO body scanning system. This system uses the frequencies in our bodies to obtain feedback on every body system, food sensitivities, toxins, bacteria and viruses that are causing disruption in your body keeping you unbalanced, 

Copy and paste  this link to learn more on this amazing system  on Breaking Chains LLC personal site with SOLEX. 


Scans are $40 each and includes or 3 for $100 

*Review of results with Liz RN owner/founder of Breaking Chains LLC

*Personal sound frequency tones on your home devices at your finger tips 24/7 to assist in balancing your frequencies 

* Suggestions for supplements, vitamins, diet and lifestyle changes to assist in balancing your body functions

* Scans can be remote or in person- results review is an in person meeting at the office if local, also can be done by phone for out of area clients and clients with inability  to come to the office. Office is preferred