Materials & Supplies

Lesson Books

All students are required to have a copy of “Sound Innovations—Book 1” for their instrument.  Make sure you purchase the book with the name of your student’s instrument in the top right corner of the cover.  Each book comes with an activation code for Sound Innovations Online, a resource that streams audio and video to help your child practice at home.

Baritone players should get the B.C. (Bass Clef) Book 1

Percussionists will need to get the “Mallet Percussion” Sound Innovations Book, NOT the Combined Percussion Book. Percussionists will also need a copy of “The Performing Percussionist–Book 1”.

Other supplies:

♫  Music stand for home practice--REQUIRED

♫  Name tag on instrument case--REQUIRED

♫  Care Kits (Optional)

Some instruments may come with a few supplies, but others will not. Because of this, we have listed all supplies each instrument will need.  Most music stores stock Care Kits which include many of the required supplies.