Day 9 - Feb 28

Micro and Macro Aggressions

“Racial, gender, and sexual orientation microaggressions are active manifestations and/or a reflection of our worldviews of inclusion/exclusion, superiority/inferiority, normality/abnormality, and desirability/undesirability. Microaggressions reflect the active manifestation of oppressive worldviews that create, foster, and enforce marginalization. Because most of us consciously experience ourselves as good, moral and decent human beings, the realization that we hold a biased worldview is very disturbing; thus we prefer to deny, diminish or avoid looking at ourselves honestly. Yet, research suggests that none of us are immune from inheriting the racial, gender, and sexual orientation biases of our society. We have been socialized into racist, sexist and heterosexist attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. Much of this is outside the level of conscious awareness, thus we engage in actions that unintentionally oppress and discriminate against others.” 

Derald Wing Sue






Reflect on microaggressions you see or hear in school or where you work. Since microaggressions are related to stereotypes, what can you do to understand, interrupt, and eliminate their presence?

After today's challenge work: 

Did you have any ‘a-ha’ moment? 

Did you feel any discomfort?

What will you do differently based on your challenge today?