choir t-shirts

All students are responsible for purchasing a choir t-shirt. Students are required to wear choir t-shirts any time we have a choir event on or off campus. This is for identification of choir students and a unified look on the risers during informal performances. Family and friends may purchase t-shirts as well! 

*Our t-shirts have a new color scheme this year to better align with the new SRMS branding for this year. All choir members MUST purchase a NEW t-shirt this year (even if you are a returning choir member) due to this color change. 

The cost of the t-shirt is $15 plus tax. T-shirt orders must be placed through the online store, and will be due no later than Friday, 8/30. Payment plans are available for circumstances that qualify. Please contact Mrs. Kasberg/Ms. O'Malley for more information.

Click this link to access the online store: (Please put your student’s name in the box that says “Deliver To”.) 

We also have 3 OPTIONAL items in addition to the t-shirt: