
See also Circuitry for more information

Learning Target: I can 

Skills to Master:

Makey Makey & Arduino (see below) Resources

Learning Targets:

I can design and invent creative ways to interact with the computer as I learn the concept of circuits.

I can sketch and create video game prototypes.

I can assess the prototype designs through user testing, observations and other students (focus groups).

I can create interactive objects or environments

Based on feedback, I can modify my design to improve it.

Makey Makey Lesson Plans 

 -Includes Legos and MakeyMakey and more

Use this Educade site to assist you in this process:

Video introducing Makey Makey and what you could do with it: 

Makey Makey Showcase

Visit the MIT website:

From Makey Makey Website:

What does the kit include?

FULL KIT - Works out of the Box. Includes: Makey Makey, USB Cable, 7 Alligator Clips, 6 connector wires, quick start guide, a colorful retail box, and online documentation. 

Can I use multiple Makey Makeys at once on 1 computer?

Yes! You can plug in two or more at once and create an orchestra of Makey Makeys! (tested with up to 3, but could work for more) 

How do I use the back of the Makey Makey?

The connections on the back of the Makey Makey are what's called "female header." They're rows of little sockets, designed for wires to stick into. One easy way to use them is with connector wires (a.k.a. jumper wires), which are wires with little pins on either end that stick nicely into the header. These come in the kit. You can also buy them separately, but be sure to get the male/male ones, like these: Jumpers are convenient, but you can also plug regular wire into the header. Solid core wire is best, and you will need wire strippers to remove the insulation from the ends of the wire. You can also find clever ways to use stuff you already have- for example, we've found that both paper clips and safety pins work great for this purpose!

Check out the Group Activity Projects -You and your partner may select one or make a project of your own.

Arduino- is an open source electronics prototyping platform 

easy to use hardware and software

For artists, designers, & hobbyists

You can create interactive objects or environments
