Mission Syllabus

  Mrs. Clayton’s 

K-8th Mission Classes


School Mission Statement

The ministry of our Christian school is to lead young people to Christ and to turn them in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6).  With this in mind, we are committed to guiding children with a well-balanced education emphasizing character-building and leadership skills.  We believe with the church, the school, and the home working together, we can strive to make “Today’s students tomorrow’s leaders.”

School Handbook

Foundational Documents  Please read to see the Vision Statement, School Philosophy, Core Values, Expected Student Outcomes, Goals & Objectives, Statements of Faith, Life, Final Authority, & Marriage/Gender

Classroom Policies and Procedures


Our 3 Main Classroom Rules:

Required Materials

Please review the Discipline Policy in your Family Handbook!


Students are expected to abide by the school rules, class expectations, and rules at all times. Those who choose to be disruptive or behave in a way that is not acceptable at school will have consequences. Possible consequences include:


Students will receive a participation grade during each class. If students do not follow directions or participate they will lose points for the day. Students will start every 6 weeks with 100%. Points can be deducted for not participating, being too loud, disrupting class, etc. 

Student Expectations

Students are expected to attend class daily, be on time, be prepared with materials, participate in class discussions, and be attentive and cooperative.

Teacher Expectations

As your teacher, you can expect me to be fair and consistent, and to follow all school guidelines.   I also commit to you to communicate any problems or concerns promptly.