
Every morning, our students will participate in our "Morning Roar" either together in our theater or on our morning broadcast over the intercom system. We sing together, say pledges, recite our mission statement and Scripture, listen to a devotion, and announcements. Every Wednesday morning at 9:45, we will join as a school with the Preschool for "Worship Wednesday" at the church. 

Chapel Schedule:

Monday 8:40 Monday Lions Roar Google Meet (everyone)

Tuesday 8:40 K-2 Google Meet; 3-5 Chapel in Theater; 6-8 Google Meet

Wednesday 9:30 Worship Wednesday with preschool in the sanctuary

Thursday 8:40 K-2 Chapel in the Theater; 3-5 Google Meet; 6-8 Google Meet

Friday 8:40 K-2 Google Meet; 3-5 Google Meet; 6-8 Chapel in the MS common area