Medical Terminology

Ms Edwards' Thoughts

I am excited for the 2022-23 school year. The purpose of this class is to expose you to the commonly used medical terms for each body system and teach you to break down unfamiliar terms. Using proper medical terminology is imperative across all branches of medicine. This course will require students to study daily and come prepared for any hands on activities. Students are also required to pass both the district and class safety quiz. If a student does not pass either quiz with the required 100, s/he will retake the quiz during academic assistance (Tuesdays at the beginning of lunch).

Health Science students are encouraged to join the HOSA Future Healthcare Professionals club. This is a student led club for those interested in healthcare. Students will meet at least once a month for guest speakers, service projects, career exploration and more. Students also have an opportunity for scholarships and to compete against others in the state.