Repertoire Orchestra - LHS

Welcome to the 

Repertoire Orchestra Page!

Information for Families and Students

Repertoire Orchestra will be held during A block. We are on a 6 day rotating schedule, so please make sure you have the correct day in your calendars! 

Assignments, meeting links, music assignments etc. will be posted in Google Classroom. All students and families will receive an email with their Google Classroom code in it. 

This course is open to students in grades 9-12 that have a prior musical background on string instruments. All incoming Freshman are automatically put into this class if they select orchestra for their schedule. Students will have the opportunity to audition out of REP only when they have completed one year of REP Orchestra. Exceptions will be made for 10-12 transfer students who have just moved to Lexington. This class focuses on leadership, self-discovery and musical foundations that will follow them throughout their playing careers.

After completing at least one full year of REP orchestra, students at any level are invited to audition for the Symphony Orchestra, one of two advanced orchestras at LHS. Please see the LHS Auditions page for more information in the Spring of the current school year.