Community Resources

Transition Timeline & Community Partners

Student Family Timeline of Transition Activities.docx

In addition to tasks associated with planning, the Timeline of Transition Activities provides useful resources students and families can access in their community.

Guardianship & Alternatives

A young person is legally considered an adult at age 18. This means they become responsible for their own legal, financial, medical, and other important life decisions. Some young people with disabilities may be unable to make these decisions. When this is the case, families should plan in advance for the legal protections of the young person with a disability.

Please visit the following links for more information on guardianship and less restrictive alternatives to guardianship:

Parent Centers

Parent Centers provide family-friendly information and curated resources on key transition-related topics.

Support Agencies

Upon earning a high school diploma or turning age 22, whichever comes first, students are no longer eligible for special education services. Various agencies do offer a different form or support beginning at age 22. Please review the following websites for information on community-based support agencies: