Equity & Student Engagement

Equity is at the heart of all of the work we do in Lexington Public Schools, and we plan to offer more support for our vulnerable and at-risk students. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that all students get what they need to learn and thrive. We continue our efforts at “redefining success,” an effort that we began as part of our Strategic Plan in the fall of 2019, and one that takes on new meaning in this environment.

The COVID-19 pandemic has and will continue to push us to expand our understanding of success beyond traditional notions of student achievement and will provide us unique possibilities to pursue the elements of a LPS education that we highlighted long before COVID-19 forced us to shift our thinking, including the following:

    • Cultivating essential personal qualities, such as a curious and questioning attitude, a caring and compassionate spirit, and a lifelong joy of learning.

    • Promoting students’ abilities to think deeply; value civil discourse, and informed debate.

    • Providing opportunities for students to create and innovate.

    • Exploring different cultures, ideas, and beliefs.

    • Caring for yourself and others, and protecting our world and its inhabitants--a final point that takes on a new connotation in our current context.

See links below for more information and resources. Community members can also read the LPS Back to School Blueprint: Equity and Student Engagement (published in July 2020). You can also visit our Family Partnerships and Community Supports page for more resources.

Special Education Families and Students

A reminder that if you are experiencing difficulty, please be sure to reach out to your special education liaison (your child’s special education teacher), your building principal, or Ellen Sugita, Director of Special Education at esugita@lexingtonma.org or 781-861-2580 x68074.

Families may also want to review

English Language Learners and their Families

Boston-Resident METCO Students and Families

The METCO Department continues to be a valuable resource for students living in Boston and Lexington. Their culturally sensitive insights, guidance, and continued professional development offerings on systemic racism and culturally responsive education provide support to students and families of color and to the District. More information can be found at the Lexington METCO Website. Ms. Hamilton, METCO Director, will continue to be available via email at bhamilton@lexingtonma.org for families needing support or information.

During the pandemic, some students and families have been more vulnerable than others. COVID-19 has exacerbated systemic inequities that have existed for decades, as illustrated in our Joint Statement with the Town of Lexington on the recent protests against racial injustice in our nation, and the pandemic has created new gaps, as well. The development of our plan for the 2021-2022 school year maintains our focus on the historically marginalized and the most vulnerable groups in our schools, while closely monitoring the impact on traditionally successful groups.

Click here to visit the Equity at LPS webpage for more information.

Problem Resolution

When a parent or caregiver experiences a frustration with their child’s school experience, it can be challenging to know where to turn to get help and support. Some post their frustrations on social media, while others contact an elected official, Town offices, or District administrators. You certainly have a right to contact whomever you choose whenever you choose. If you are a parent or caregiver interested in solving a problem that involves your child’s education or remote learning, our best advice is to first talk with your child’s teacher or special education liaison and try to work out the issues together. If you feel that the problem is still unresolved, or you are uncomfortable working directly with those individuals, feel free to reach out to your child’s principal, assistant principal, or counselor. If the issue is still unresolved or you would prefer to speak to someone outside of your child’s building, please feel free to contact Johnny Cole, Director of Equity and Student Supports (jcole@lexingtonma.org), the Superintendent of Schools, or the School Committee.