LGBTQIA+ Curriculum

We All Belong

In an effort to ensure that all students see themselves and their families reflected in the curriculum, staff has worked diligently to create inclusive lessons for LGBTQIA+ students and families. Below are a few highlights of this work.

Lexington Children's Place

LCP curriculum is designed to reflect the diversity that exists in the school and the larger world beyond. LCP believes young children need to be exposed to a variety of experiences and ideas as they are formulating their schemas of understanding about the world. Classroom materials and books reflect diverse populations, including exploring what it means to be a family and concepts of gender.

The K-3 Social Studies curriculum in LPS elementary schools includes a focus on the diversity of families that includes members of the LGBT community. The following are highlights from the year-long overview narratives.


Students explore the concept of community and the role they play in their family, classroom, and school communities. Children demonstrate self-awareness and positive social identities. They learn about the members of their classroom community and their classmates’ families. Students investigate what makes a strong classroom team and learn about the interdependence of people within a community. This includes understanding diversity within the classroom and school community, awareness of the diverse skills and talents people bring to a community, and the similarities and differences between people in the community. Students develop an understanding that their classroom is stronger because each member brings something unique. They begin to explore positive ways that they can act when they see someone being treated unfairly or to make a change they envision for their immediate community.

First Grade

Building on what they learned in Kindergarten, students develop a deeper understanding of community. Students learn that everyone is part of multiple, overlapping communities and people contribute to those communities in different ways. At the beginning of the year, students focus on understanding their personal and family communities. They learn that people have multiple aspects to their identities and that all their identities make up their whole selves. Through this study of identity students build a positive view of their self-identity and recognize that others have both similarities and differences in their identities. Students see that many different families make up our communities and that this diversity makes communities stronger. Students will learn how to display empathy, respect, and perspective-taking in order to launch our year-long exploration of communities with a more civically-minded and social justice-oriented stance.

Second Grade

Grade 2 builds on the work of Kindergarten and Grade 1 by focusing on the concepts of individual and group identity and culture, as well as the value of a multicultural and diverse community.

Human Growth & Development

Lexington Public Schools has developed gender-inclusive lessons for the 4th and 5th grades that educate all students at age-appropriate levels about how bodies develop and grow.

Families who choose to opt out of the school-based lessons must contact a school administrator to discuss alternative lessons that reach objectives outlined below.

4th Grade

The focus of the 4th grade HGD lessons provides foundational language and information to prepare students for the social, emotional, and physical changes of puberty through the following Learning Objectives:

  • By the end of the Human Growth and Development lessons, students will be able to:

  • Explain the physical, social and emotional changes that occur during puberty

  • Identify medically-accurate information and resources about puberty and personal hygiene

  • Explain ways to manage the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty

  • Explain how the timing of puberty and adolescent development varies considerably and can still be healthy

  • Describe how puberty prepares human bodies for the potential to reproduce

  • Define sexual orientation as the romantic attraction of an individual to someone of the same gender or a different gender

  • Define gender identity and human reproductive biology

5th Grade

Coming soon!