All-Gender Bathrooms

Each of our school buildings has all-gender restroom options.

Lexington Children's Place

LCP has five single-occupancy all-gender bathrooms, three designated for adults and two for children. In addition, there are single-occupancy all-gender bathrooms within each of the seven classrooms.

Bowman Elementary

Bowman has the following gender-neutral single-occupancy bathrooms: seven dedicated to adults, four student restrooms accessible from within the Kindergarten rooms, and one in the Health Office for student use.

Bridge Elementary

There are six single-occupancy all-gender bathrooms that are posted for adult use. Each of the four Kindergarten classrooms have single-occupancy all-gender bathrooms accessible from within the classrooms. There are six adult gender neutral bathrooms.

Estabrook Elementary

Estabrook has eight single-occupancy all-gender bathrooms dedicated to adults (two on each floor and two in the Main Office suite). The five Kindergarten classrooms also have all-gender bathrooms in the classroom spaces.

Fiske Elementary

There are eight single-occupancy all-gender bathrooms designated for adult use, although two in practice are used by students and adults. There are also four student-dedicated single-occupancy all-gender restrooms accessible from each of the Kindergarten classrooms.

Harrington Elementary

The five Kindergarten classrooms have all-gender bathrooms in the classroom spaces, and there is another all-gender bathroom centrally located near the third grade "pod" that can be used by students. In addition, there are five single-occupancy all-gender bathrooms dedicated to adult use in the building.

Hastings Elementary

On each of the school's three floors, there is a single-occupancy all-gender restroom dedicated to student use centrally located within a few dozen feet of all general classroom spaces directly adjacent to traditionally gendered multi-occupancy spaces. There are two all gender bathrooms near the cafeteria for adults and students. All adult bathrooms are single occupancy, all gender bathrooms. There is one in the main office area, two on the second floor and two on the third floor.

Clarke Middle School

Clarke has two all-gender bathrooms--both single-occupancy and wheelchair accessible. The one on the first floor is dedicated to staff and students who use wheelchairs (with permission from the office). The all-gender bathroom on the third floor is centrally located and accessible to all students.

Diamond Middle School

Diamond has twelve gender specific, multi-stall bathrooms and three gender neutral, single stall bathrooms. There is also a gender neutral, single stall bathroom that is used by staff and students and a gender neutral, single stall bathroom in one of the special education spaces. There is also a gender neutral, single stall bathroom in the nurses' suite. In addition to those bathrooms, there are 5 gender neutral, single stall bathrooms exclusively for adult use.

Lexington High School

LHS has one all-gender restroom in each of the campus's four main buildings. In the main building, the restroom is a multiple-occupancy restroom, and the others are single-occupancy. There are also all-gender restrooms in the Health Office.

Central Office

The Central Office building has two single-occupancy all-gender bathrooms on the lower floor near the Professional Learning classrooms.