Digital Imaging

Digital Images introduces students to the fundamentals of both the art and craft of making digital images and design pieces, as well as the basics of digital photo alteration. The course allows students to explore the photographic process, while developing skills in pixel-based design and processing. Through the use of the DSLR camera, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, students will create expressive pieces, while learning how to evaluate images for effectiveness in terms of aesthetics and communication goals. The course will also aid students in understanding the role that digital photography can play in areas such as illustration, documentation, graphic design, web design and the fine arts.

Assignment 1: Understanding the DSLR's Exposure Triangle

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the DSLR camera’s exposure triangle by producing three images highlighting each of the following camera’s manual settings: aperture, ISO and shutter speed.

Assignment 2: Improving Imagaes with Photoshop

Students will take 5 images from their image bank and improve them using Photoshop’s adjustment layers.

Assignment 3: Photographer Research Project

After looking at a number of images shot by famous photographers and doing preliminary research on their own, students will write a one-page research paper on a photographer, gather images by the photographer, shoot a body of work in the artistic vein of the photographer and present their finding to the class in a thoughtful, organized presentation.

Assignment 4: Three-Part Photoshop Project

After looking at a number of images shot by famous photographers and doing preliminary research on their own, students will write a one-page research paper on a photographer, gather images by the photographer, shoot a body of work in the artistic vein of the photographer and present their finding to the class in a thoughtful, organized presentation.

Assignment 5: Print Ad - Utilizing the DSLR Camera, Illustrator and Photoshop

Students will create a mini print ad campaign for a specific product or service that contains their own edited image(s) and text, and integrates a logo, which they wil create in Illustrator.

Assignment 6: Documentary Photo Project

students will photograph a particular subject, event, hobby or any aspect of their life that hold significant meaning to them. Later, they will select 5-10 images of their favorite images, edit the images, write a paragraph about the photos and their meanings, and present the photos and the information about them to their classmates.