High spirits, inclusive minds, mental force and moral of your teams count as much as their technical capabilities.

One must build one's resilience ahead of going into cybersecurity activities.

By working in cybersecurity both on the customer side and service provider side, we know what these jobs are all about. We have found that management is little if not knowledgeable about assessing human reserve energy. Most managers in cybersecurity do not have any decent background on what actually means resilience.

Organization of experience sharing and co-development SESSIONS at Carnac Resilience Center.

Hence, Thibierge & Companies. sets up - upon request - a special recovery stay, especially for the type of exhaustion that cybersecurity & humanitarian work create.

Cybersecurity people, as well as aid workers (whom have worked in crisis places for humanitarian purposes) gather during 8 days retreat place in Carnac Resilience Center.

Reconnect with light, wind, earth and water at Carnac Resilience Center near the ancestral Megaliths of Carnac, French Brittany.

Here is a mini website to share with all athletes, dance, meditation, yoga teachers, university teachers, humanitarian associations and rescue trades (cybersecurity included) wanting to do internships by the sea.

We welcome autonomous groups * and indicate the names of local practitioners for their relaxation.

* athletes, dancers, families, aid workers, IT teams, students, etc.

You have external access to the Thalassotherapy of Carnac, to the "MARINE SPA" for two hours it costs 36 €.

The dance & conference halls are 5 minutes from the house you have to go through the town hall: https://www.carnac.fr/Culture-sport-associations/Vie-associative/Reservation-de-salles-et-materiels/Reservation- de-rooms

The house allows you to bring together 12/13 people forming a coherent group: there are 8 single beds in 4 separate bedrooms, and 5 futons with sleeping bags in the living room.

The beds in the bedrooms have sheets provided.

We do not provide bath linen.

You have a bathtub, two shower rooms with WC inside, a kitchen, a terrace and a garden.

There is a massage table if you would like to hire a Carnac practitioner to make your stay more relaxing. Christophe RIQUIER in particular travels home for you, he is a shiatsu practitioner having worked in spas for several years. He invoices directly @ 50 € per hour. https://christophe-riquier-praticien.business.site/

You can bring a projector and project films on the white wall of the living room by arranging the chairs in cinema mode.

You also have yoga mats on site.

The house is a 2-minute walk from the Ménec and Kermario alignments, which can be a magical place for creating a show.

Our partner for meals is AUX PLAISIRS DU ZESTE who delivers hot collective meals to our house) https://www.auxplaisirsduzesttraiteur.fr/presentation/

To have the whole house for you (8 single beds in 4 double bedrooms + 5 futons in the living room) here are the prices per night according to the seasons:

2020 Tarifs per night for the whole house :

Jan 380 € / Feb 400 € / March 420 € / April 440 € / May 460 € / June 480 €

I am available by phone for any questions and help you set up a session at Carnac.


Thibierge & Companies. has a fully competent network of therapists and practitionners in Ayurveda, Yoga Kundalini, Meditation, and Ayurvedic LifeStyle.

Some practitionners at Carnac Resilience Center come from Carnac Region and master several techniques, like shiatsu, Ayurveda etc...

You can also go to Carnac Thalasso : just register directly with them : https://www.thalazur.fr/carnac/thalasso/ go down to "Journées & Soins sans hébergement"

At Carnac Resilience Center Room booking is 400 euros per person for an 8 days stay .

This price does not include prices for Ayurvedic coaching, shiatsu & ayurveda massages and care which are to be paid on site. Food is also paid separately by participant on top of this amount.


Christophe RIQUIER provides Shiatsu massages on site on request and invoices directly @ € 50 per hour. https://christophe-riquier-praticien.business.site/



Find out the benefits of Shirodhara HERE

Once at Carnac Ayurveda Center you can spend time at Carnac Marine Spa resort. The house is a 2-minute walk from the Menec alignment, 10 minutes from downtown Carnac and a 20-minutes walk from THALASSOTHERAPIE.


The ayurvedic breakfast basics are provided.

Honey, nuts, gluten-free cereals, milk, dried fruits etc...

Eat ayurvedic food & learn ayurvedic lifestyle.

Downloadable PowerPoint


Our food delivery partner is AUX PLAISIRS DU ZESTE (they deliver warm collective meals at our house) https://www.auxplaisirsduzesttraiteur.fr/presentation/

You shop locally and cook what you please at Carnac Resilience Center.

Wednesday and Sunday: St Fiacre car park in Carnac, from 7:30 am to 1 pm

For more details about other local markets : https://www.carnactourism.co.uk/useful-know/shops-and-open-air-markets/markets

Collective food preparation sanitary rules are instructed and must be followed.