Prepare yourself to be your own boss - Entrepreneurship & Leadership for Students.

Who said having a boss is a top priority ? Why not setup your startup with your good friends?

Thibierge & Companies. guides your reflection on your team members selection (based on Ayurveda concepts). 

A team sustainability can be defined from Birth Constitutions plus many different factors to be scrutinized from the begining of the entrepreneurial adventure.

We advise you on your startup team potential, as well as on ethics dimensions of a business.

University Professors, program a Resilience Visio-Conference for your cyber-students.

Thibierge & Companies. presents online conferences for students in cybersecurity to visualize their careers and setup a resilience plan.

University professors call us to present the solutions for their students to be well prepared to go into cybersecurity relentless activities in conscience and with decent background on resilience.

For example we did a visio-conference end of 2019 with UBS students :

We consider Female Profiles Inclusion in cybersecurity a Resilience Factor.

Thus we developped a special approach of Female Inclusion and have a one hour conference ready for your student on this account.

College students orientation advice.

For teenagers we help them  find their path, and learn about cybersecurity jobs :

We are present every year at FORUM DES METIERS at the Lycée Carnot Paris for college students information about Cybersecurity Careers.

University students : Get the best possible salary from day one.

For cybersecurity students, we help them gain more confidence and get the best salary possible even from their first job.

Presence, savoir-être, interpersonal know-how are at the heart of a good first salary negotiation.


Murielle coaches students in Classes Prépa, she herself went through the Prépa HEC (scientific track) and knows well the success factors for such training. She helps the student build a reserve energy to last long and succeed at competitive exams.

If you cannot come to Ayurveda Paris Cabinet, it can be done through Visio 

Ayurvedic texts mention three functions related to learning : dhi, the power of information acquisition, dhriti, the power of retention and smriti, the ability to remember it. When they are not balanced, individually or in their coordination, learning difficulties arise. When these three mental functions are coordinated, the memory is quick. Medhya Rasayanas increase dhi, dhriti and smriti individually, as well as the coordination between the three.

Ayurveda Life Balancing Coaching on