We may still be waiting for the warmer weather but to see the children, boys and girls together, scrambling over the new climbing frame hooting with laughter as they tagged each other - during Golden Time last Friday - was utterly heart-warming. 

Back in class, we are sharpening our wits and snagging those last misconceptions as we hasten towards SATs Week, which starts on Monday 13th May.  In English, we have started a new class reader: 'Shackleton's Journey', which is a beautifully illustrated, immersive text. Our knowledge of Antarctica is blooming as the children delve ever deeper into its secrets for their non-chronological reports. Our focus in Maths has been long division and long multiplication, followed by fractions in every guise.  Animals including Humans is our science topic this half term.  Finding their pulse proved quite a challenge for some! Meanwhile, PSHE is about relationships - a lively discussion topic.

It is our intention to keep focused but calm for the next couple of weeks.  As always, please keep us abreast of any concerns.

With best wishes,

Mrs Hettema and Mrs Povey