Year 3/4

Years 3/4 Homework Choiceboard for Summer 2

Click here for the Year 3/4 Guide to Home Learning

We have been learning...

English - Year 3: This week we were writing diary entries in the role of one of our main characters. We focused on extending our sentences using a variety of causal conjunctions.

Year 4: This week we wrote biographies about the Emperor Nero.

Maths - Year 3: This week we began our work on shape. We recapped our Year 2 shape knowledge, nets and perimeter.

Year 4: This week we have been looking at angles and the properties of different triangles.

PE focus for the term - Sports Day events

RE: This week we continued our work on communion. We read the story of ‘The Last Supper’ and considered its significance to Christians.

History: This week we learnt about Roman roads in our history lessons. We looked at the similarities and differences between Roman roads and roads today as well as how and why the Romans formed roads. We also enjoyed our Roman workshop day. The children had great fun dressing up as Romans and taking part in lots of different activities.

Music: This week we practiced the notes ‘D, E and F. We enjoyed creating our own sections for the different pieces of music, keeping to the beat and tune.