Year 3/4

Years 3/4 Homework Choiceboard for Summer 2

Click here for the Year 3/4 Guide to Home Learning

We have been learning...

English - Year 3: This week we have been thinking about the Roman Gods. We have planned our own Roman God and thought about what they would protect. We have begun planning our Roman God fact files.

Year 4: This week we have been creating a fictional character to use in our writing next week.

Maths - Year 3: This week we have finished our work on perimeter. We have also started our work on weight and measuring weight.

Year 4: This week we have been plotting points on graphs, as well as translating images on graphs.

PE focus for the term - This week we took part in our sports day, we were great at implementing some of the skills we have been working on the last few weeks during our PE sessions.

RE: This week we thought about how Christians use communion to remember and express unity.

Science: This week we were using keys to classify. We have looked at farm animals and vertebrates. The keys really helped us to look carefully at the characteristics of these animals whilst we created our own classification keys.

Music: This week we continued our learning on glockenspiels. We continued to think about beats and rest periods and applied this to our new tunes, as well as creating our own sessions to add to the songs.

PSHE - Year 3 This week we have been looking at similarities between children and parents as well as baby animals and their parents.

Year 4: This week we have been looking at the characteristics we have that are similar to our parents.

DT: This week we have continued our work on pneumatic systems. We began to think about how we may use pneumatics in our own designs.