Children will learn and practice healthy vocal technique and foster a passion for music. No fee, audition or prior experience is needed to join - only a positive attitude and a love of music and singing!
Open to 4th and 5th graders
Practice is every WEDNESDAY from 7:45-8:25 in the music room
Practice begins the week of January 20.
All children (including members from the first half of the year) must register to sign-up for the spring session.
Any 4th or 5th grader is able to join choir this spring, even if they did not participate this fall.
Spring 2025 Dates:
April 4 (Friday night): CHOIR @ Art Walk - details coming soon
April 11 (Friday night): CHOIR singing National Anthem @ Everblades game
May 9: CHOIR singing National Anthem @ Mighty Mussels Game
Mid-late May: Choir, Show Choir, and Violin Concert
Drop-off Procedure
Children must have their own transportation.
Park your car and walk your child to the side gate entrance.
Do not drive up to the gate and let your child out of the car, as this creates a traffic jam for before-care.
Do not park and let your child walk through the parking lot alone, as this is a safety hazard.
Children will enter the school through the open gate scanners and walk through the cafeteria and hallway to the music room.
Google Classroom code: