IBCP Reflective Project (RP)

Reflective Project (RP)

What is the RP?

The reflective project is an in-depth body of work produced over an extended period of time and submitted towards the end of the CP. It is the product of the students’ initiative and should reflect their personal experience of the CP. The reflective project is intended to promote high-level research, writing and extended communication skills, intellectual discovery and creativity through a variety of different approaches (IBO, 2016).

Career-related programme

The career-related programme currently pursued by IBCP students and runs for two years. IN LBIS students have two career pathways (also known as CRS - Career-related Study), that are BTEC Business and BTEC Sports

For further details on CP, please visit our school's CP website.

Reflective Project Timeline 2023/2024 

CP - RP Calendar Timelines Deadlines 2023-2024.pdf

Reflective Project Timeline 2024/2025 

RP Calendar 2024-2025.pdf


Students can choose to present their Reflective Project in two different ways:

Ethical Dilemma

Ethical dilemma can be defined as a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives (Oxford, 2018).

Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF)

The RPPF requires the student to reflect on the reflective project (RP) process across the RP journey, such as challenges foreseen and encountered during RP, how to overcome them (or how they were overcome), collaboration with the RP supervisor, what was learned from the RP process and the changes in approach.

RPPF First Assessment 2020 

The RPPF (3 reflections) has a total of 1000 words and should be completed on ManageBac. 

RP Assessment Criteria (Overview)

Reflective Project Assessment Criteria.pdf

RP Assessment Criteria (Detailed)

RP Assessment Criteria with Clarification and Explanation of Criteria (Extracted Pages 41-55).pdf

Reflective Project (RP) Presentation 

Reflective Project Presentation (shared on Library Google Site) Jan 10, 2024

Frequently asked questions

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