The combination unlocks the door and you scramble out of the tower, hoping the huntsman hasn’t caught up to you. Continuing east for hours, you hear the sound of waves crashing against the surf and realize you have reached the coast of Elvena. You decide to cool your feet in the ocean and rest in a cave like structure you find along the beach.

*There is 1 hidden object.*

While walking, you stumble upon a bottle with a waterlogged message inside.

Confused, you try to figure out what the note means, but you reason the note probably came from someone long ago and won’t make sense to you now. You sit down to rest and nap under the warm sun.

Something wakes you up, though you don’t understand at first. But the quiet draws your attention to the sea. The waves have stilled and the ocean is completely calm. A mist creeps along the beach and you begin to hear tinkling laughter.

From out of the waves came a woman. Her ebony hair trailed through the sand behind her and her dress looked to be made out of sails from a ship. She sees you and wanders closer, appearing innocently curious.

“What is a human doing on the Bargainer’s beach?” The woman stopped before you and picked up the empty bottle and peered inside like she wondered where the message could be.

“I didn’t realize it was the Bargainer’s beach,” you say, though now that she’s mentioned it, you remember seeing it on the map of Fairy.

“The Bargainer demands a price if you trespass on her beach,” the woman responded.

With her words, the woman’s eyes began to glow with magic and you realize she must be the Bargainer.

You take out the note and hold it up for her to see. “If I pay the price, will you help me get to the capitol?”

Narrowing her eyes at the message, she nods reluctantly. “The right price will give you an answer to a question.”

You look through your pack; there are clothes, a few uneaten apples, the coronation invitation and potion bottle from the tower, a few coins, and the message from the bottle. You read the message again and realize what the right price is.

The Sea Witch glares, but accepts your price with gentle hands. She turns to walk away.

“How do I get to the capitol,” you demand.

She sighs and says, “Follow the hunter who passes the lion to chase the bull.”

*Complete the puzzle to find the answer.*