As time passes, you begin to realize the Queen has become increasingly volatile and paranoid. She is critical of everything you do and you have even noticed some palace workers disappearing under mysterious circumstances that get blamed on the beasts that haunt the surrounding forest.

Seeking an audience with her in her chambers to talk about your (hopefully) coming coronation, you find her chambers empty. Deciding to wait until she returns, you settle before the fire where it looks like she had started to write a letter. But what you find is an encrypted letter addressed to Queen Dorcas. Hoping to decode the letter before the Queen returns, you search her room, inside clothes chests, and finally on her bookshelf, hoping for the cipher.

*There are 4 hidden items in the room.*

After shaking out a particularly large book about Lycanthropy, a scrap of paper falls to the floor. You see it is the cipher for her letter and hurry to decode it.