She wants to kill you! You put back the letter and rush to your rooms to pack a bag with clothes, some apples, a loaf of bread, and a handful of candles. You escape the castle with your grandmother’s red cape wrapped snugly around you and enter the woods without anyone noticing. The sky has darkened and the magical creatures of the forest are stirring, but you can’t stop. The huntsman will realize you are gone soon and the forest is the first place he will look.

Trudging over brambles and through thick bushes with your small pack of food and clothes, you set off to the east, hoping to cross over into Elvena. It’s rumored the King and Queen are sympathetic to those in need and you hope that they will give you shelter from your scheming step-mother.

Dusk settles after two hours of walking and the forest quiets around you. Something has spooked the birds and woodland creatures who remain still and silent and you pull your red cape more firmly around your shoulders. Stepping through a thick copse of trees, you discover a grassy glen. Everything is still.

Then a shadow lumbers out of the trees across the glen and you realize it is a werewolf, a fearsome mythical creature that has not been seen for centuries. It stands on two feet with pointy ears and coarse brown fur over his body. His sharp fangs glint in the moonlight in a wolfish grin, but he doesn’t attack.

When he doesn't attack you, you decide to try and talk with him.

"Who are you?"

He grinned. "I am the one who eats wandering travelers in the wood. But, if you can solve my riddle, I will let you pass and help you on your way."

You don't particularly want to be eaten and ask for the riddle.

What stands ancient and tall,

Is weary and old,

With twining clothes,

There your path’s foretold.

*Fill in the acrostic to find the answer.*