Saying your answer, the wolf snarls at his riddle being so easily found. But he had promised you help if you solved it and gave you directions to the abandoned tower that would be a safe place to sleep for the night.

An hour later you come upon the leaning tower covered in lichen and vines.

You step inside and the door immediately shuts and locks behind you. Deciding to explore the medieval tower, you find a room. Hoping you will be safe for the night, you eat a little of the food you brought and lay down to sleep on the dusty bed.

When morning comes, you ready yourself to leave and continue walking towards Elvena, but find yourself trapped. The door won’t open and you can’t find a door handle. Beside the door is an ancient looking plate with the number 1-9 etched into the surface. You press a few and they light up with magic, before growing dark.

Deciding there must be a combination code in the tower, you begin to look through the musty shelves and boxes. You find a shelf of potions and a riddle.

Click on objects in the picture to find hidden objects. *There are 5 hidden links.*

Pocketing the potion, you cross the room when you trip over the edge of the tattered rug and see markings on the floor. Moving the table and pulling back the rug, you see the floor covered in a grid of arrows with numbers. If you can walk through the maze from the beginning to the end, maybe you will have your combination and escape!

Using the arrows, find the number combination to escape the tower. *Hint: The combination is made up of 4 numbers.*