Agriculture & Natural Resources

Career & Technical Student Organization: FFA

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Instructor Craig Evans

Instructor Nick Guthery

Instructor Tommy Inman

CASE INTRO TO AFNR (Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources) (HC6393) FORMERLY AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE
Academy: Natural Resources Agriculture
Pathway: Intro to all Agricultural Pathways
(AFNR) introduces students to agricultural opportunities and the pathways of study in agriculture. Science, mathematics, reading, and writing components are woven in the context of agriculture and students will use the introductory skills and knowledge developed in this course throughout the CASE curriculum. Throughout the course are activities to develop and improve employ-ability skills of students through practical applications. Students explore career and post-secondary opportunities in each area of the course.
CASE INTRO TO AFNR (Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources) (HC6394) FORMERLY AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE
GRADE 10, 11      1 CREDIT
Academy: Natural Resources Agriculture
Pathway: Intro to all Agricultural Pathways.
(AFNR) introduces students to agricultural opportunities and the pathways of study in agriculture. Science, mathematics, reading, and writing components are woven in the context of agriculture and students will use the introductory skills and knowledge developed in this course throughout the CASE curriculum. Throughout the course are activities to develop and improve employ-ability skills of students through practical applications. Students explore career and post-secondary opportunities in each area of the course.
ANIMAL SCIENCE (Dual Credit) (HC6360)
GRADE 10, 11      1 CREDIT
Academy: Natural Resources Agriculture
Pathway: Animal Science
Prerequisite:  Passing grade in Agriculture Science I or AFNR.
This course studies the entire field of animal agriculture and the science of the production of those animals.
Units of study include but not limited to the nutrition, reproduction, health, anatomy and selection of horses, cattle, swine, sheep and small domestic animals. This class will also continue the use of the MO FFA/SAE Record book and Leadership development opportunities/activities. Appropriate personal safety wear will be required for this course. Safety glasses, safety shoes and/or uniforms may be required for lab activities. Dual credit is an option through MSU/West Plains for AGR 101.
GRADE 11, 12      1 CREDIT
Academy: Natural Resources Agriculture
Pathway: Animal Science
Prerequisite: Passing grade in Agriculture Science & Animal Science.   Instructor permission.
This class includes the study of beef, dairy, swine, sheep, horse, and poultry production. Units include selection, nutrition, reproduction, and health care. There is an emphasis on hands-on learning with the use of the FFA Learning Center. Each student is encouraged to have a market animal to show at the Laclede County Fair the following summer. This class will also continue the use of the MO FFA/SAE Record book and Leadership development opportunities/activities. Appropriate personal wear including safety glasses, safety shoes, and/or uniforms may be required for lab activities.
GRADE 10, 11      1 CREDIT
Academy: Natural Resources Agriculture
Pathway: Power, Structural and Technical Systems
Prerequisite:  Passing grade in Agriculture Science I or  AFNR.
This course includes various aspects of mechanical systems related to agriculture. Specific topics of study include welding, oxy/acetylene cutting and welding, carpentry, tool identification, plumbing, concrete, electricity, electric motors, tractor power, small gas engines, machinery and surveying. Hands-on emphasis will be included through knowledge based instruction. This class will also continue the use of the MO FFA/SAE Record book and Leadership development opportunities/activities. Appropriate personal safety wear will be required for this course.
GRADE 11, 12     1 CREDIT
Academy:  Natural Resources Agriculture
Pathway: Power, Structural and Technical Systems.
Prerequisite:  Passing grades in Agriculture Science & Agricultural Mechanical or instructor permission.
This course gives students the opportunity to use power equipment to build medium sized metal and/or wood projects. This course also develops skills such as welding, oxy/acetylene cutting, and precision craftsmanship to build quality projects. Students will further their leadership skills and SAE project while enrolled in this course. Appropriate personal safety wear will be required for this course. Safety glasses, safety shoes, and/or uniforms may be required for lab activities. This class will also continue the use of the MO FFA/SAE Record book and Leadership development opportunities/activities.
GRADE 12          1 CREDIT
Academy: Natural Resources Agriculture
Pathway: Power, Structural and Technical Systems.  
Prerequisite:  Passing grades in Agriculture Science, Agricultural Mechanics Systems, & Agricultural Construction I or by instructor permission.
This course gives students the opportunity to build medium to large sized metal and/or wood projects. Students will develop skills on drawing plans to scale, bill of materials and estimating cost analysis. This course also develops advanced skills in welding oxy/acetylene cutting, and precision craftsmanship to build high quality projects. Students will further their leadership skills and SAE project while enrolled in this course. Appropriate personal safety wear will be required for this course. Safety glasses, safety shoes, and/or uniforms may be required for lab activities. This class will also continue the use of the MO FFA/SAE Record book and Leadership development opportunities/activities.
GRADE 10, 11, 12    1 CREDIT
Academy: Natural Resources Agriculture
Pathway: Natural Resources and Environmental Systems
Prerequisite:  Passing grade in Agriculture Science or AFNR.
This course will provide opportunity for students to gain knowledge and skills in natural resource conservation. Units may include but not limited to the following: natural resource conservation, Missouri fish and wildlife, forestry management and lifetime outdoor sports/activities. This class will also continue the use of the MO FFA/SAE Record book and Leadership development opportunities/activities. Appropriate personal safety wear will be required for this course. Safety glasses, safety shoes and/or uniforms may be required for Lab activities. Dual credit is an option through MSU for AGR 108 for 2 credit hours.
GRADE 10, 11, 12     1 CREDIT
Academy: Natural Resources Agriculture
Pathway: Natural Resources and Environmental Systems
Prerequisite:  Passing grade in Agriculture Science.       
This course will cover the basics of landscaping including greenhouse operation, the identification of plants, and the landscape process. Units of study will include but not limited to the following: soil science, plant growth, horticulture, lawn care, turf, landscape management and tree management. This course will offer several hands-on opportunities for students at school, the LTCC/FFA Learning Center and within Lebanon the community. This class will also continue the use of the MO FFA/SAE Record book and Leadership development opportunities/activities. Appropriate personal safety wear will be required for this course. Safety glasses, safety shoes and/or uniforms may be required for lab activities. Dual credit is an option through MSU for AGR 108 for 2 credit hours.
GRADE 11, 12           1 CREDIT
Academy:  Natural Resources Agriculture
Pathway:  Agriculture Capstone Course
Prerequisite: This course is recommended as a Capstone Course for Agricultural students in any of the Pathways associated with the Academy of Natural Resources Agriculture. Prerequisites include a passing grade in Agriculture Science and a passing grade in at least one of the following additional courses: Nursery & Landscaping Management, Animal Science, Agriculture Mechanical Systems, Conservation Natural Resources or by instructor permission. Preferred prerequisite in addition to prerequisites include Advanced Livestock, Ag Foods & Technology, or Construction I.

Students learn about agricultural businesses and financing those operations. Basic economics and marketing will be part of the course content. Units covered include financial record keeping and basic business structures. Marketing options including the future and cash markets will also be taught. Students learn personal and employability skills that will make them more competitive for the workforce. This class will also continue the use of the MO FFA/SAE Record book and Leadership development opportunities/activities. Appropriate personal safety wear will be required for this course. Safety glasses, safety shoes and/or uniforms may be required for lab activities.
GRADE  11, 12              1 CREDIT
Academy: Natural  Resources Agriculture
Prerequisite: Three (3) courses in the Agriculture Education prior to requesting enrollment, Interview.  
The Supervised Agricultural Cooperative Education Program is a workplace learning experience, which is an extension of the business education classroom. Supervised Agricultural Cooperative Education Program training is designed for students in approved business education programs currently enrolled in a course such as Business Technology, Accounting II, and Network Administration. The Supervised Agricultural Cooperative Education Program provides on-the-job work experience that gives students the opportunity to master academic and workplace skills. Students can make the connection with real world expectations in terms of accuracy of work, production, staying on task, responsibility for work—all components which are stressed in the classroom setting. The work experience reinforces the importance of interpersonal skills, which gives students a forum to develop positive workplace experiences as they enter the workforce or prepare for continued education. The Supervised Agricultural Cooperative Education Program facilitates the transition from the classroom to the workplace.