Summer Math Preparation for 7th Grade

It is not mandatory that students complete

the work on this page.

It is designed to help keep math topics "fresh" and prepare for 7th Grade!

Dear Students,

Congratulations on the completion of 6th Grade Math! We are so proud of the hard work you put in this school year! We know that this has not been easy during the remote & hybrid learning time, however you all have put forth a tremendous effort and we recognize and appreciate that.

We have been asked by parents and students for materials to help prepare for math next year in 7th grade. This is not required work, however we strongly recommend that students practice some math over the summer to help make the transition to 7th grade easier.

Some of the more important topics to focus on include:

If you would like to get a head start on what you will be learning in 7th grade, please look at the Integer section at the bottom of this page.

There are many links below. Many to our web page with links to video tutorials reviewing concepts, past review sheets, Jeopardy Games and Kahoot games as well. Don't always have the option of using IXL as well. Please be sure to save your username and password.

Enjoy your well-deserved summer vacation!

Mrs. Krystel & Mrs. O'Flynn

-Each lesson provides practice questions, along with video tutorials reviewing the topic and explanations.

-Students are not limited to completing these 20 lessons, they may work on ANY topic within 5th/6th grade for additional practice.

  • The above link is a Google Doc that contains links to the Metacognition Charts for each of our units of study this school year. Each link contains all of the topics we studied in addition to links to video tutorials and additional practice.

3) Moving Ahead...


Integers were not taught/introduced in the regular 6th grade math class, however if you would like to get a head start and begin learning how to add, subtract, multiply and divide Integers, here are some video tutorials and a packet to help you do so.

Click Here to get started with Integers!