Sculpture 2, 3 & 4

In Sculpture class, all students will be working to develop a better understanding of the Principles of Design  for 3-dimensional Art and inventive ways to create unique projects that will reflect their personality and creativity.   All projects must be submitted on google classroom to be graded.

Google Classroom 

Sculpture 2 and 3         

I highly encourage students to participate in our districts mLISD laptop initiative or regularly bring their own laptops or tablets from home.  We will no longer be using cell phones in the classroom.   Other than using Google Classroom, we will occasionally be using our devices (preferably laptops) for assessment, instructional videos, quizzes, art critiques, research, and other activities. 


Students should be prepared to work as soon as the bell rings, follow school code of conduct, limit technology uses to classroom assignments and be respectful of peers, self, artwork, supplies and the teacher.


The students will be handling utility knives, glass, wire, hand saws and other building materials.  I ask that you remind your students to use the tools in a responsible and careful way as not to injure themselves or other.  I will be giving the class a demonstration of the correct method to handle all tools prior to the beginning of a project. 

Sculpture 2

We will be working with:

We will also be investigating the concepts of:

Sculpture 3 & 4

We will be working on Concept Base Lesson that require more creative approaches and investigation of materials.  Students will be required to work more independently.



It is the your responsibility to discuss all makeup and late work with me, and turn it in by the end of the six week.  Any projects that are more than a week late can only receive up to a 70 unless you have discussed it with me first.

Ms. Truchards digital sketchbook