Ceramics 2, 3 & 4

During the year, you will learn different techniques for working with in class and how to make creative and interesting projects.  All projects must be submitted on google classroom to be graded and incorporated into a web site. 

*All students are required to have a 6 X 9 inch  sketch book for in class work*

Google Classroom  

2nd Period            

4th Period             

5th Period

I highly encourage students to participate in our districts mLISD laptop initiative or regularly bring their own laptops or tablets from home. Other than using Google Classroom, we will occasionally be using our devices (preferably laptops) for assessment, instructional videos, quizzes, art critiques, research, and other activities.  Students will not be allowed to use cell phones in the classroom for technology anymore(except photographing your work to submit on Google classroom). 

What are the students classroom responsibilities?

What are the students’ responsible for cleaning?  Every day you will be responsible for cleaning your work area and any tools you used.  All tools are to be returned to the correct storage place and your table is to be cleaned without any clay strikes.  This may require two or three cleanings because the clay is hard to completely wipe up. The need for cleaning will help keep your Art room a safe working environment. 

Ceramic Projects Ceramics 2


Ceramics 3


Ceramic 4

Students will be working more independently on Concept and Design.  They will be expected to compete a body of work that represents their aesthetic and interests. 

12 Completed works that reflect a central idea or follow and investigative process. 

Grading Policy/Evaluation

Policy on Late and Resubmitted Work

Late work will be accepted (up to the end of 6 weeks), and you may re-submit a project to attempt for a higher grade, but this will need to be done during tutorials or on your own time. You will be expected to stay up to date, as well as complete the late or re-submitted work. For students who fall behind I am here before/after school.