Texas Success Initiative


What is TSI?

TSI stands for Texas Success Initiative and is the standard by which Texas public post-secondary institutions evaluate a student's college readiness in English and math.  In a nutshell, students must meet college readiness standards in order to take college-level classes. This can be done through the SAT, ACT, and/or TSI Assessment (specific score info is listed below). Students who do not meet college readiness standards will use their TSI scores for placement in the appropriate developmental course(s).

Rouse offers several TSI testing opportunities on campus throughout the school year - we highly encourage students to take advantage!

How do I meet TSI?

Check below for passing requirements for each test: SAT, ACT, or TSI Assessment. Students can use section scores from two different tests to meet TSI (ex: meet English score with SAT and math score with TSI Assessment).


English: 480+ Evidence Based Reading & Writing section

Math: 530+ Math section




TSI Assessment (effective Jan. 2021)

English Language Arts & Reading (ELAR):


TSI for Dual Credit

In addition to the SAT, ACT, and TSI Assessment, students who need to meet TSI for the purpose of Dual Credit can use the following:



Take the TSI Assessment

Schedule the TSI Assessment

TSI open lab takes place on select Wednesdays during the school day - 2024-25 dates coming soon

Prior to testing:

All students must complete the Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) one time. 

What to expect on test day:

TSI Resources

Request a TSI tutorial session

2024-25 Tutorial dates coming soon

Prep for the test:

Accuplacer Web-Based Study App

Accuplacer TSI Sample Questions

ACC TSI Practice Tests

Mometrix TSI Practice Tests

TSI Score Interpretation

Access your TSI scores

Visit the Accuplacer website and input your personal info* so that a copy of your score report can be emailed to you.

*Student institution = Leander ISD


Am I required to test/retest?

The short answer: No. 

Students are not required to take the TSI test. BUT, here are some things to consider when making your decision: 


What can I expect on test day?

The TSI Assessment is divided into two sections: English & Math. 

General test session info:

English TSI Assessment - must meet college readiness on both the multiple choice & essay

Math TSI Assessment

Is the TSI test required for high school graduation?

No, students to do not need to take the TSI in order to graduate from high school.

Is TSI required for college admissions?

Students do not need to meet TSI in order to be admitted to college. If students do not meet TSI through the SAT or ACT, they will need the TSI Assessment for placement purposes. If the college readiness scores are met, students will be able to begin their college level coursework in math and/or English. If TSI scores fall below college readiness benchmarks, students will be placed in the appropriate developmental math or English classes.

Exception: students applying to ACC that did not meet TSI with SAT or ACT will need TSI assessment scores in order to complete the application.

What happens if I don't meet the college readiness score on the TSI test?

That is okay! The goal is for your scores to accurately reflect your skills so you can take the appropriate next step. Your school will advise you in the appropriate level developmental math and/or English class. Developmental course placements depend on your TSI scores and vary by institution.

Example: ACC math placement chart

Do I need TSI for out-of-state schools or the military?

TSI applies to in-state schools only. However, if there is a chance you will come back to Texas for college (maybe ACC over the summer), we recommend testing.

Does the TSI test cost money?

Testing at Rouse is free of charge. Testing at ACC requires a fee.