Testing Accommodations

SAT, ACT, and AP Testing Accommodations

504 and IEP accommodations do NOT automatically apply to non-school testing. There is an application process that must be completed. Families can do this on their own through the College Board and ACT websites or Mrs. Clifford and Dr. Barlow can help with the accommodation application process. If you are a current special education or 504 student and would like assistance with College Board or ACT accommodations please send your completed consent forms to Mrs. Clifford or Dr. Barlow.

Mrs. Kristen Clifford

Special Education Team Lead


Dr. Brittany Barlow

504 Campus Coordinator


Please submit consent forms to Dr. Barlow or Mrs. Clifford at least 1 week prior to the College Board or ACT accommodation deadline. Usually it takes around 8 weeks for College Board or ACT to make an accommodation determination.

CB Consent to Release Information.pdf

College Board Consent Form


ACT Consent Form

LISD Non-School Testing Accommodations Request.pdf

LISD Non-School Accommodation Requests