
Students: College & Military visits at Leander High School

All colleges and military reps coming to visit Leander High School are posted in Naviance. To see a full list and to sign up to attend a visit, follow these easy steps:

  1. Log into your Naviance account

  2. Click the Colleges tab

  3. Click College Visits

  4. Click on the list of college names, then the university of your choice.

  5. When you see a visit you'd like to attend, if an option, click the "Register" button.

Keep in mind, if you have colleges in your Colleges I'm Thinking About or Colleges I'm Applying To lists in Naviance, you'll receive email updates once the schools you are interested in schedule a visit at LHS.

You should just go to the indicated location at the start of the class period and we'll post your attendance - no need to sign up in the Portal. All visits are open to 10th-12th grade students, but freshmen can email Mr. Nelson directly for permission to be added to a visit .

College & Military Reps: Visit Leander High School

We utilize RepVisits for visiting Leander HS students. If you'd like a table at lunches, please e-mail the College & Career Transition Coordinator directly.