Career Planning Resources
Step 1: Reflect and Discover
Discover Your Interests and Aptitudes
Naviance - try the StrengthsExplorer, Career Interest Profiler, & Cluster Finder - try the Kiersey Temperament Sorter, a personality test
O*Net - helps you decide what kinds of careers you might want to explore.
MAPP Test - you will get a wealth of information to help find the right career that matches your unique assessment profile.
ASVAB Career Exploration Program - this test assesses your aptitudes and interests and is offered at LHS each fall.
Big Future - match your interests with careers
Explore Your Areas of Interest through Classes
Consider what Austin Community College & take classes for FREE while in high school
Other Ways to Explore
Join related clubs/organizations
Volunteer (try Volunteer Match or peruse KUT's Get Involved page)
Work, intern (try Texas Internship Challenge), or job shadow - participate in COOL Week during senior year
Step 2: Research Careers and Earnings Potential
What will you need to make to support your lifestyle? Try the Reality Check to get an idea!
Learn more about specific careers using Naviance's Explore Careers & Clusters tool
Find out more about job descriptions, outlook, earnings potential, and education requirements using:
Occupational Outlook Handbook - assembled by the U.S. Dept of Labor
ONET - career exploration and job analysis
Austin Chamber of Commerce Job Posting Reports - assembled information on the job market in the Austin & Central Texas Area.
What will a certificate earn you? An associate's degree? A bachelor's degree? A graduate degree?
Are there job openings in this field?
Are there other related jobs that are more secure?
Step 3: Determine an Educational Path
Research which institutions will offer a path to your career. Do you need to go to a technical or trade school? Community college? Four-year institution? Graduate school? Where should you start?
Naviance's College SuperMatch and Big Future's College Search both offer college search tools that allow you to filter for schools by major.
Austin Community College offers many degrees and certificates, or is a good place to start your education if you're unsure.
ACC also has a Continuing Education Workforce Development program - they offer certificates that can help you quickly enter the workforce.