TSI Information
What is TSI?
TSI stands for Texas Success Initiative and is the standard by which Texas public post-secondary institutions evaluate a student's college readiness in reading, writing, and math. In a nutshell, if a student is not what we deem as TSI complete, the college will assume a student is not ready to take on college-level coursework. In turn, the college will require the student to take developmental coursework to build knowledge and skills. This required developmental coursework costs money and prevents students from jumping right into courses that will apply toward the completion of a college degree. If we can avoid this coursework by proving students are TSI complete, we most certainly want to!
before you register for the assessment, You must complete the pre-asseSSment activity
Am I TSI Exempt/Complete?
There are several paths to meeting the TSI requirement. Note: Students can be partially complete in one content area (ex: Math, but not Reading/Writing) and can combine qualifying scores across tests listed here.
TSI Assessment
English Language Arts & Reading (ELAR):
945+ & 5+ Essay
<945 with diagnostic of 5 or 6 and a 5+ Essay
<949 with a diagnostic of 6+
Evidence-Based Reading & Writing (EBRW): 480+
Math: 530+
If ACT was taken prior to February 15, 2023:
FIRST: Composite of 23+ THEN: English 19+ & Math 19+
If ACT is taken on or after February 15, 2023:
English + Reading sections combined score of 40+ = Reading/Writing college readiness
Math score of 22+ = Math college readiness
Below scores can be used as TEMPORARY documentation of college readiness for students pursuing Dual Credit coursework. These scores do not apply to graduating seniors.
Evidence-Based Reading & Writing (EBRW): 460+
Mathematics: 510+
English II: 4000+
Algebra I: 4000+ with a 70+ in completed Algebra 2 course
How does taking the TSI Assessment help me?
Taking the TSI can save you money. By scoring high enough on this test, you may be able to bypass developmental courses when you start college.
Taking the TSI can save you time. By being able to bypass developmental courses, you can go right into courses that apply to your degree.
For prospective Dual Credit students, the TSI will allow you to take college-level courses.
What does the test cost?
Each non-graduating student can test through LHS 2 times for FREE. Graduating seniors have unlimited FREE attempts to take the TSI during their graduating year.
What can I do if I am not TSI Complete?
Take the TSI Assessment
This is a test offered at LISD high school campuses and year round at ACC. You will only need to test in the area(s) in which you are not TSI complete. All students qualify for at least one free test administration through LISD.
To test on an LISD campus:
Complete the Pre-Assessment Activity
Email the TSI PAA Completion form to document completion of the PAA (for LISD records)
Register for a TSI test date offered at LHS. Also, you can register to take the assessment during non-school hours (Wednesday or Saturday).
To test on an ACC campus:
Test at an ACC Assessment Center and follow their processes and applicable fees.
Take (or re-take) the SAT or ACT
Let me know if you have updated SAT or ACT scores that will qualify you as TSI complete. Then, be sure to send these scores to the college you plan to attend.
How can I prepare/study for the TSI Assessment?
College Board free web-based study app
College Board sample questions (ACCUPLACER / TSI)
ACC has a comprehensive TSI test prep site
What do I need to bring on the test day?
Photo ID (school ID, driver's license, etc.)
Materials are provided (scratch paper, pencils, calculators are embedded in the test program); you cannot bring your own calculator
Cell phones and devices that can access the internet are strictly prohibited. They must be turned off and stowed.
How long does the TSI Assessment take?
The TSI Assessment is an untimed test - you have as long as you need. The average time to complete all three sections of the test is 3-5 hours. The average time to complete a single section of the test is 1 hour.
What were my scores?
The test is scored immediately upon completion. You may access your TSI scores here. Utilize College Board's TSI Assessment Score Interpretation Guide for understanding your score report.
What if I fail the test?
First of all, there is no "pass" or "fail". You either meet standard and can bypass developmental courses, or you don't meet standard and are placed into Reading, Writing, and/or Math courses that match your skill level.
Seniors can retest at an LISD high school campus for free, but must provide documentation that they have completed test remediation/preparation. Dual Credit students can retest at an ACC campus for a fee ($29 for full test or $10 per section).
How can I send my TSI Assessment scores to the college I am attending?
If you can submit your unofficial score report, please access here and save as a PDF to be able to upload/send to any institution.
Dual Credit scores are submitted directly to the Dual Credit office by Mrs. Wolske on behalf of students.
The college may accept scores in a sealed envelope, but most will require you to complete a consent/authorization for them to retrieve the scores electronically through the online ACCUPLACER system:
Though very rare that a school would require official, scores be sent, students may request official score reports by completing this LHS TSI Score Report Request Form.