Gateway Update Information

Middle School Gateway Course Credit Update


As part of the Texas Education Agency’s (TEA) regular review of Innovative Course status, Project Lead The Way (PLTW) has been notified that Gateway courses will no longer be classified as TEA Innovative Courses for high school credit, effective July 1, 2023.   Leander ISD will continue offering PLTW Gateway programs as a local high school credit.  Local credit courses allow students to complete high school level work and are recorded on a student’s high school transcript but are not eligible to receive high school credit towards graduation. These changes will be updated and reflected in the 2023-2024 Course Catalog.


Gateway courses will continue to utilize Project Lead the Way curriculum which builds Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways, allows middle school students to begin career exploration, and builds foundational skills and knowledge that will transfer directly into CTE Programs of Study.  

Leander ISD is committed to creating opportunities where students can continue to explore their passions and interests. 

Contact with any questions.