The CPHS Journalism Handbook lists expectations, supplies and grading policies for staff members. Staff member and parents are expected to sign the required documents at the beginning of each school year. 

Students in Newspaper Productions produce the school newspaper. Duties/assignments may include: advanced writing, interviewing, in-depth research for news stories and features, photography, photo editing, page layout and design, ad sales, ad design and meeting deadlines. Objectives include: management and production of the school newspaper, using editorial judgment and journalistic integrity, as well as working within time constraints and budget limitations. 

2023-2024 Wolfpack Staff 

Editor in Chief -  Kacey M

2022-2023 Wolfpack Staff 

Editors - Madison S and Jaden K

2021-2022 Wolfpack Staff 

Editor-in-chief- Ally JP

Assistant Editor- Ruchi S

2020-2021 Wolfpack Staff 

Editor-in-chief- Estefani R

Assistant Editor- Morgan K

2019-2020 Wolfpack Staff 

Editor-in-chief- Estefani R

Read our online newspaper: www.cphswolfpack.com

Awards & Accolades

SNO Distinguished Site - 2019-2020

The Wolfpack officially became a distinguished site through School Newspapers Online, the organization that hosts online school news sites across the country. We are currently ranked #1 in the country and will continue to write in-depth features over our awesome CP students to stay in the Top 5. In order to become distinguished, we had to earn six badges, from social media engagement where we had to have a certain amount of traffic to our site and post on social media every day for 4 weeks in a row, to site design excellence, to multimedia, which included starting a podcast. The staff worked so hard for this accomplishment. Congratulations to all of them! 

2019-2020 National Q&S Award

Students from five countries submitted over 2,400 entries in 30 categories, and judges chose 277 winning entries. These National Winners earn a Quill and Scroll Gold Key.

2019-2020 National Q&S Award

Students from five countries submitted over 2,400 entries in 30 categories, and judges chose 277 winning entries. These National Winners earn a Quill and Scroll Gold Key.

Interscholastic League Press Conference 1st place and Tops in Texas -  Entertainment Review 

The Interscholastic League Press Conference is the UIL of Journalism for the state of Texas. We compete against hundreds of schools across the state in 5A. To place or win in these categories is incredibly difficult and a great achievement in student journalism. In addition, to win a Tops in Texas, means that the judges thought that the work was the best across all schools, from 1A to 6A. 

Interscholastic League Press Conference 1st place -  Computer Art

The Interscholastic League Press Conference is the UIL of Journalism for the state of Texas. We compete against hundreds of schools across the state in 5A. To place or win in these categories is incredibly difficult and a great achievement in student journalism. 

Additional ILPC awards 2019-2020

2018-2019 ILPC Bronze Star

The Wolfpack staff earned the Interscholastic League Press Conference's Bronze Star award as well as an Award of Distinguished Merit for their newspaper. Star awards are given to the top 10 percent of newspapers and yearbooks in Texas. 

2018-2019 SNO Distinguished Site

The Wolfpack officially became a distinguished site through School Newspapers Online, the organization that hosts online school news sites across the country. We are currently ranked #1 in the country and will continue to write in-depth features over our awesome CP students to stay in the Top 5. In order to become distinguished, we had to earn six badges, from social media engagement where we had to have a certain amount of traffic to our site and post on social media every day for 4 weeks in a row, to site design excellence, to multimedia, which included starting a podcast. The staff, especially our editor-in-chief Deana Trautz, worked so hard for this accomplishment. Congratulations to all of them! 

2018 -2019 Editor-in-chief- Deana Trautz

Interscholastic League Press Conference's Online Editor of the Year!