Journalism;  Course #1531 Credit: 1;  Grade: 9 - 11; Journalism provides an overview of the fundamentals of journalism including how to write news stories, features, editorials, sports stories, and captions. Other topics to be covered include the elements of dynamic journalism, photography, advertising, essentials of layout, design, style, and typography. Students will also be given an opportunity to examine the roles of radio, TV, and film through changing times and produce original work relating to their special fields of interest.

Google classroom

*You must have a code to join the google classroom as a student. Daily assignments, projects and information regarding tests will be posted here. Parents, your student has the capabilities to invite you to the classroom, so please ask them to send you an invitation or email and I can send you an invitation.


*This is a one way communication service that allows Mrs. Hert to send all class reminders to students and parents. Standard text message rates apply. I will use this to send reminders of when assignments are due, quiz/test dates and other info related to the course.

More info about the Journalism programs can be found here.