What are core words?

Core words are a relatively small number of words (50-100) that make up most of what we say everyday. They can be hard to learn because they are more abstract, but they are what gives meaning to everything we say.

Fringe words are the rest of the words we use - they might occur less often or only in certain situations. Many times they are easier to explain with a picture and can be easier to learn. Many of our most motivating words are fringe words.

Take the word "cookie." If I say "cookie," you might think I want a cookie. Or maybe I'm saying no to cookies. I could be asking where the cookies are. I could be asking you if you want a cookie. "Cookie" is a fringe word. Words like "want," "no," "where," and "you" are all core words. They give meaning to the fringe words.

Core and Fringe Vocabulary

Learn more about core words and fringe words!

We need to model core words over and over, in different scenarios, until our children understand them! We can add fringe words to make the core words more motivating.

Make core words part of your routine

Think of some of your daily routines. Then think about what core words you could model during that routine. Here are some examples:

  • Putting together a puzzle: PUT, GET, IN

  • Reading a story: MORE, NOT, GO

  • Watching a favorite video: LIKE, MORE, NOT

  • Setting the dinner table: PUT, GET, ON

  • Baking cookies: LIKE, EAT, IN

  • Picking out clothes: LIKE, SEE, GET

  • Sharing a snack: ME, YOU, NOT, WANT

  • Playing a video game: ME, YOU, TURN

A year of core words!

One easy way to bring core words into your daily life is by focusing on one word at a time. You could highlight one word a week, or even one word a day! Whenever you catch yourself saying the word of the week, model it with AAC!

There are lots of materials online with ideas for activities highlighting specific words. Check out these words of the month activity guides with resources for arts/crafts, songs, books, science activities, reading activities, play ideas and more, all highlighting one specific core word.

he/she, is, sleep, come, all gone, can, big, little, this, tell, show, again, fun, you're welcome, when

we, are, fast, slow, wait, hungry, thirsty, write, draw, cold, hot, great, tomorrow, sorry

they, live, place, ride, dress, ask, question, these, change, hear, front, back, loud, quiet, silly

our, call, let's, here, nice, mean, have, for, away, hug, clean, dirty, becuase, yesterday, why

now, ready, to, with, push, pull, same, different, top, bottom, some, all

say, think, soon, later, together, understand, proud, favorite, how

and, before, color, find, is, later, love, much, ready, same, they, with

bye/goodbye, help, hi/hello, I/me, go, play, stop, want, in, more, out, that, all done, take a break

you, eat, drink, yes, no, put, see, sit, like, on, off, finish, name, do, read, what

my/mine, turn, listen, don't, up, down, feel, there, happy, sad, sick, tired, a, scared, mad, who

your, get, look, stand, sing, need, work, make, hurt, not, walk, today, day, color, where

it, am, and, good, bad, love, give, take, watch, excited, open, close, the, please, thank you

Descriptive Teaching

Core words are great because we can use them to describe anything! We don't need to program every word into the device, especially words that won't be used repeatedly over time.